Monday, May 6, 2013

Oh I saw that... you know, on Facebook.

I came to the conclusion today that social media has taken over my life. I scroll through my iPhone, looking through people's lives, some who I have not seen in years, but why? I guess I like to see what other people are doing with their lives, maybe live vicariously through them for a few minutes and that's the point right? Facebook was created to meet people in college and stay in touch. It's become an addiction. If you look around people are constantly on their phones. I have wasted so much time looking through Facebook, stalking photos and honestly being kind of a creeper. It's sucking the creativity right out of my brain. Chris has been telling me for months but I guess it hit me today as I was reaching for my phone on several occasions just to look through Facebook, check Instagram, see if anyone text me. Today, I am making a change.

The last time I wrote in this blog was right before I found out I was pregnant. It's been almost two years since my last entry. Writing is a creative outlet for me. That is why I have chosen to get rid of Facebook and pick up where I left off with my blog, only posting once a week. So it may sound strange to get rid of Facebook and pick up with a blog but this way I am being creative and I won't be looking at strangers photos or reading their latest status update about where they are going to dinner. I am going to focus on me, my family, and what I want to do with the rest of my life. Let's see how long I can last...